Link to the reviewed interactive learning resource:

Thank you Pod 6, I appreciate your hard work committing to delivering this Interactive Learning Resource (“Chinese Culture and Chinese Festival”). The means of this blog post is to offer constructive feedback to Pod6’s Interactive learning resource. The comments will walk through all components in the assignment outline [1].

An overview of the resource:

I can easily find a navigation bar for your overview. However, I need to go to the learning context to read information regard to your course. I suggest adding one or two ‘hook’ overview sentences on your index page to allow learners to decide on the spot if they are interested in your course.

The learning theory and learning design:

Your Pod does well in analyzing your Interactive Learning Resource against a few learning theories and learning designs. However, I would pick only one learning theory and learning design to carry on the deep analysis since it allows more space for insightful discussions. For example, “At the end of the content, we ask learners to do exercises and provide feedback to deepen their understanding of the new knowledge. [2]” I would instead briefly introduce what is Behaviourists and provide more insightful analysis.

Watch out for some typos. Having a few typos is fine but a typo at the beginning of a paragraph can weaken your writing.   

Example of Typo [2]

The learning context:

Your learning context is perfect. You include a brief introduction of your learning resource, target audiences, and a reason why a learner should consider “Chinese Culture and Chinese Festival.”  

Learning outcomes:

I could not easily find an explicit learning outcome on your learning resources. Reading a few paragraphs of your Assessment Plan can help me get the idea. Nevertheless, I would suggest including two to three explicit dot points of your learning outcome to help learners understand your learning resource faster and easier.  

Brief commentary and one interactive activity for each learning topic:

I like the way that your pod offers these two components. You integrated Brief commentary and learning activity on a single page very well. You include a paragraph of commentary/introduction, a learning video, activities, and extra learning resources (biliography). You highlight all links by making them in red color making it an easy time for your learners to follow your activities.

I found a few obvious minor typos, please make sure you prove-read them.

Example of Typo [3]

An overview of your assessment plan:

I would suggest making a slight change to your assessment plan. As a learner, I do not want to spend much time reading all five paragraphs to understand how I will be assessed but looking at a clean table to understand what task I need to complete, how much each task contributes to my grade, and what the purpose or learning outcome of each task is. Therefore, having one clear and informative table would be my suggestion for these components.

A design for inclusion of diverse learners:

Your Pod provides a reasonable explanation for your inclusive design. However, I would be careful here. You Pod need to “choose two from the list above, and specify in your resource [4].” I could not see any specific group of learners in your inclusive design. Make sure you include them: reference –

Overall, your pod did very well on these interactive learning resources. The design is fantastic, and the contents are informative and interesting. I would suggest reading through my feedback and making some adjustments as appropriate.


  1.  Peer Review (2022). Retrieved from
  2. Learning Theory & Learning Design (2022). Retrieved from
  3. What is the origin of traditional Chinese festivals? (2022). Retrieved from
  4. Interactive Learning Resource (2022). Retrieved from