Hello Guoqinliu, Thank you for sharing a story about potential barriers in your Pod’s learning resource activities. I like the fact that your post considers a barrier to social media accessibility (Discord). I totally understand that not all students have a Discord account. This issue could be a future problem that your Pod may need to solve for your learners. I also like the solution that you propose: your Pod will record a lecture and allow your learner to access the video. Not only does this solution solve the accessibility issue, but it also allows your students to choose their preferred learning method. Nevertheless, I would like to point out that you may want to talk a little bit about the method by that you will deliver your record videos in your post (eg. Youtube, Discord video record etc).

Link to the  Guoqinliu’s post: https://guoqinedci335.opened.ca/2022/06/07/prompt-3-inclusive-design